Today you are in for a REAL TREAT!
My whole family just got back from a wonderful week of vacation in South Bend, Indiana where we visited my aunt's and uncle's. This trip was very special and we have some more amazing memories to hold deep in our hearts.
We travel back there so much, that is seems like I lived there longer than a few years. We have had some pretty incredible trips and a ton of memories to hang on to and share with each other.
You may be asking yourself, "Why is Beth Ann telling me all this when it is Vintage Thingies Thursday?"
I'll tell you why....my vintage thingie
IS in South Bend!
This is the home of two very important people in my life: Aunt Bette and Uncle Ted. They not only are my favorite aunt and uncle, they are also my Godparents, my mother's sister and brother-in-law, the neatest people who have opened up their hearts and arms to all 15 of us- and believe me when I say they are also the most patient!
This past week, we have 'swooped in' and taken over their household...let me explain...
They have a fairytale house with a lot of land (rural is the word, I believe), somewhere between 7 and 12 acres...I always forget. It is the sort of place kids can go wild in, because they can be roaming safely around all day, and you'd never see them until the dinner bell rings.
Nooks and crannies, secret fields and hills to climb, paths to walk and all sorts of bugs to catch.
My mom and dad drove their motor home up there a few months ago- so they stayed in that (on the property) and my aunt and uncle also have one, so they stayed in that (on the property) and the rest of us took over the house!
I am the oldest-married, with 7 year old twins. We took the attic floor.
My brother is 15 months younger than I, has two kids- 7 and 4, and a girlfriend. He took the downstairs bedroom.
My sister is 8 years younger than I, is married and has three kids-5, 3 and 9 months. They took the master bedroom.
I'm explaining all this because you had to see us to believe it- this house has always been HUGE to us growing up... and here we are basically throwing our favorite aunt and uncle out of their house, just so we could come visit! (I'm laughing right now)
Are you ready? Here she is:

From on top of 'the hill' looking toward house
Click on photo to enlarge

Closer view

Side view
See top window under roof corner? Mine.
It was originally built by a doctor who lived in town. This was his cottage retreat when he just had to get out of town! It was then bought by my aunt and uncle somewhere in the mid 50-60's, and they have lived here ever since. Inside she has high pitched ceilings covered in wood, with wood beams traveling across the space. Old lighting fixtures and big stone fireplaces remind me of the 1920's. She truly is a beauty to behold and a one-of-a-kind.

The hanging lights in the living room

The built-ins in the dining room

And just one of the dressers in the house
I hope you enjoyed my little tour of South Bend, Indiana... and I'll see you next week!