We sleep in, we watch millions of cartoons, we went out to Ruby's for lunch, and then came home and opened up presents. (from mom and dad)
Then we went swimming until 6:30pm, where we then came inside, and the kids cooked their pizza and dessert, all from the kids' cookbook! All in all, a VERY wonderful day!
Happy 7th Birthday Cope and Tierney!
Cope and T got a
T got a new princess
book with stamps
Cope and Tierney
trying out their
new Subsurfers!
Did I mention it was
in the triple digits
Kneading the
pizza dough for
our dinner!
Sitting down to
enjoy the pizza.
Cope was mad
because we made him
stop playing with
his new Legos, so he
could eat.
T licking the brownie mix
after we popped the ice cream
brownie cones into the oven.
We put frosting on top,
then sprinkles. Yummy!
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